Cardio Standards


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Cardio Ranks

The primary purpose of the ranks is to help with setting realistic goals and give you some benchmarks to work towards. The time frames for each rank are fairly broad as there are many factors that affect the development of cardiovascular endurance. However, they assume that you're generally healthy, with no underlying conditions or injuries and have the mobility to perform all the exercises correctly. They also assume that your diet is reasonably good and that your training is both consistent and intelligent.

Rank Time Score Description
Untrained <1 month <30 Average or below average.
Beginner 1-4 months 30-40 Better than average.
Novice 4-12 months 40-50 Much better than average.
Intermediate 1-2 years 50-60 Fit. A healthy, achievable goal for most people.
Advanced 2-4 years 60-70 Very fit. Difficult to achieve for most people.
Elite 4+ years 70+ Among the best. Nearing the average maximum potential. Likely able to compete at some level.

What do the ranks mean and what is this table telling me?

The table shows the maximum time needed to reach each of the cardio ranks for several exercises at different distances. The times on the table are based on competition data, world records, and the average time needed to attain each rank. From there, they are adjusted to reflect your personal details, sex and age.

How is all of this helpful?

These standards allow you to compare yourself to almost any other cardio trainee. The standards are adjusted by sex and age so that a 63 year old woman could meaningfully compare herself to a 25 year old man. As mentioned earlier, the rank system is meant to help with setting realistic goals and giving trainees something to aim for.

Why are the walking standards so high?

The walking standards incorporate the Olympic sport of racewalking. The form is distinctly different than normal walking but is still considered walking, as at least one foot is in contact with the ground at all times. Also, the standards provide the necessary difficulty to be compared to other forms of cardio. While walking a 12 minute mile is fast for normal walking, the level of fitness required should not rate the same as running a 6 minute mile.

What are the times for a distance not on this table?

If a distance you're interested in isn't on this table, you can enter it on the Cardio Score page to see its standards. Your Cardio Score provides even more personalized results and will show you exactly where you fall in the rank system.