5/3/1 Triumvirate
5/3/1 is a hugely popular and versatile strength program developed by Jim Wendler. It's organized around gradually progressing four core lifts: overhead press, deadlift, bench press, and squat. It uses a percentage of your training max (90% of your 1RM) to determine the weight and is progressed by adding 5 or 10 pounds to your training maxes each cycle.
The focus of each workout is the core lift, and the last set of each core lift should be done to near technical failure, but at least for the prescribed reps.
The assistance exercises are part of the Triumvirate assistance template. There are many other viable variations on assistance work, like the highly popular Boring But Big. For a full explanation of 5/3/1 as well as many other assistance templates, the official 5/3/1 book is available.